Lighten the Fuck Up! Ray Purchased a Sexy Metal Robot That Slapped Liars in Real-Time...

Xu Haiwei. Unsplash Images.

Sick and tired of being lied to by his 12-year-old son, Ray purchased a sexy metal robot that slapped liars in real-time. He decided to put it to the test one night during dinner…

To start things off, he asked his son what he did after school. “I did some homework,” his son quietly replied, barely looking up from his plate. 

Upon hearing this, the robot immediately raced over to the boy and promptly slapped him.

It was a hard slap, causing the boy to change his story. “All right, all right. I wasn't doing homework. I was watching a movie at a friend’s house…”

“Okay," Ray responded. "What movie were you watching?”

“John Wick Chapter 3,” the boy replied. The robot immediately raced over to the boy and promptly slapped him, again. 

“All right, all right,” the boy said, not wanting to be slapped a third time. Then he sheepishly admitted, "My friends and I were watching porn…”

Infuriated, Ray retorted angrily, “Wow! When I was your age I had no idea what porn even was!” 

The robot immediately raced over to Ray and promptly slapped him. 

“Wow!” Mom blurted while laughing hysterically. "He is, without a doubt, your son, Ray!”

The robot immediately raced over to Ray's wife and promptly slapped her…                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

*Vindog has been repurposing jokes since 1968 (and flipping people off forever!)

This is LTFU Joke #123!

September is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, and whether you buy a tee, cap, or sticker, you'll be showing your support for Prostate Cancer Research and the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. Barstool Sports will be donating 100% of the net proceeds to Dana-Farber. 

One in six men will be affected by prostate cancer. Chances are you know somebody who has it… 

Thanks in advance for your support!




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